Take advantage of our innovative ePayment Solutions. Make secure payment for the purchase of goods and services online, we take care of the rest on your behalf.

What is ePayment Solutions?

ePayment Solutions is a secure way to pay for your purchases on auction sites and classified ecommerce sites like ebay, olx, gum tree e.t.c.

To take the first step, make your payment today.

How to use the service

  • Login to your sterling, euro or US dollar account
  • Select ePayment Transfer
  • Fill in the ePayment Transfer Form

How do I receive My Payment as a Seller

Once the ePayment Transfer is sent, you will receive an email/sms notification.

  • You are to follow the instructions in the email/sms notification.
  • Send us shipment/courier details via verify@renabl.com if requested.
  • You will receive your payment in your local bank account.
  • No fee or charge back

How do I verify if requested

If we require verification, you will receive verification instructions via email/sms.

Can I loose my item(s)/money

No, we protect both seller and sender.

Once ePayment Transfer is sent, it can not be stopped.

Once item purchased is shipped/courier, payment can not be reversed.

If item(s) is not shipped/courier, refund will be made after 7 working days.

To find out about any of our products or services, talk to one of our expert team today.

ePayment Solutions! Best and Secure way to pay online