Professional, trusted, expert. Our approach to Investment Management is about achieving intelligent solutions for you.

With a portfolio of assets managed by highly experienced professionals, our investment service is designed for outstanding flexibility, offering you a comprehensive range of options for your short and longer-term aspirations and investment goals. With access across the investment universe, we take full advantage of all asset management options in the market.

We operate on a discretionary basis, meaning you benefit from access to an intensively managed portfolio, without the burden of day-to-day decision-making.

At Your Service

Never losing sight of what you want for the longer-term, our patient and persistent approach is coupled with shorter-term tactical adjustments to address your investment aims.

When designing your portfolio, we give you access to the best and most suitable investments, with the ability to borrow against it whenever necessary.

We base our actions on a thorough understanding of your risk tolerance, aspirations, and personal, family and business circumstances.

Our discretionary investment service covers the entire spectrum of assets, from equities to bonds, property, hedge funds and commodities, moulded together in calculated proportions to provide you with the right level of risk and potential reward.

  • Direct access to a dedicated Investment Manager who takes time to understand your business, family and life goals before investing your money
  • Robust selection process allowing us to focus on what we consider to be best in class
  • An unparalleled number of investment mandates in sterling, US dollars and Euros
  • Constant oversight and decision-making to ensure your portfolio remains on track
  • Insight into your portfolio’s positioning and performance via our online Investor Portal
  • A transparent fee structure free of conflicts of interest

Whether a personal, joint or family portfolio, your pension fund, or a charity or trust, we offer a choice of investment style, with a range of options in each to meet your specific objectives.

Global Asset Allocation

A service run in the traditional manner, where investment returns are driven principally by our ability to move your wealth between distinct asset groups such as equities, debt/bonds, hedge funds and property, as well as through the selection of the underlying investments themselves. Offered in GBP, USD and EUR, the mandates are proactively managed. For those concerned with investment costs, a less actively managed range is available with lower cost underlying funds often simply tracking the main indices.

Global Select Service

Popular with clients looking for something a little different from the investment community, we research and select current thematic investment opportunities from which we construct a portfolio that meets your risk appetite. Our range of solutions cover mandates requiring a greater certainty of positive returns through to mandates more demanding of higher returns, and may include less liquid investments.

In addition to our two core investment services, we offer the following:

Higher Income Service

As a trustee of a charity or life interest trust, you may need to keep capital growth and income separate, to be deployed to different beneficiaries with differing interests. Our service does just that, ensuring we meet the objectives of all parties involved.

Business Property Relief

Where tax advice* and a risk assessment suggest this service is suitable, we manage a portfolio of company stocks listed on the Alternative Investment Market and other products that will likely qualify for relief against inheritance tax.

Custody and Execution

Whether you hold stock for sentimental, business or tax reasons, or simply wish to make your own investment decisions, we can execute on your behalf, safekeeping assets whilst providing you with the convenience of our reporting. Assets can be held in London or Offshore.

*Renaissance Bank does not provide tax advice but can introduce you to a specialist firm from our approved panel.

Risk Warning
The information given on this website is for information purposes only and is not a solicitation, or an offer to buy or sell any product or security. It does not constitute investment, legal, accounting or tax advice, or a representation that any investment or service is suitable or appropriate to your individual circumstances. You should seek professional advice before making any investment decision. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise. An investor may not get back the amount of money invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Fluctuations in exchange rates may affect the sterling value and any returns from investments. The future basis and rates of tax may vary.