Cookies Policy


We are committed to protecting and respecting your security and privacy. This policy sets out how we use cookies on our websites and mobile applications, why, and how this allows us to improve our online service. It also tells you how you can manage what cookies are stored on your computer or device.

We use cookies in order to make our websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to help us to improve our websites and to deliver a better and more personalized service.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files which are stored on a user’s computer, smartphone, tablet or other device when visiting a website or using an app. They are designed to hold a modest amount of data specific to a particular client and website, and can be accessed either by the web server or by the client computer. This allows the server to deliver a page tailored to a particular user.

There are different types of cookies. They all work in the same way, but have minor differences.

Session cookies

These are temporary cookies which only exist during the time you use the website (or more strictly, until you close the browser after using the website). Session cookies help our websites remember what you chose on the previous page, avoiding the need to re-enter the information.

Persistent cookies

These cookies stay on your device after you have visited the website until they expire or you remove them. For example, if you use our Investor Portal, you might select certain grouping types for your charts and tables, a persistent cookie will be used to remember your selection so you do not have to set it every time you visit our Investor Portal. Persistent cookies help us identify you as a returning visitor but do not contain information that could be used to identify you to another person.

How we use cookies

Below is a full list of the cookies used by Renaissance Bank with a description of what they are used for.

Renaissance Bank & Co., Limited Website
Cookie name Description
_ga This is a persistent cookie. The cookie is used to store client page accesses to Google Analytics, these cookies only track page access and have an expiration of 2 years.
_gid This is a persistent cookie. The cookie is used to store client page accesses to Google Analytics, these cookies only track page access and have an expiration of 24 hours.
_gat This is a persistent cookie. This cookie is used to limit the number of requests and has an expiration of 10 minutes.
Cookie_notice_accepted This is a persistent cookie. It enables the user to accept Renaissance Bank & Co., Limited’s Cookies Policy and continue their session without having to reprocess consent within each new area of the website visited.
PLC Website
Cookie name Description
ASP.NET_Sessionid This is a session cookie. This cookie is used to create a session ID for the user, so that the system can identify the user as a unique and individual user, distinct from anyone else looking at the website. In short, it creates an anonymous “session” that allows the website to respond to the users requests. The information is not used or stored outside systems, and is held only temporarily while the user is accessing pages on the website.
AcceptPolicyCookie This is a persistent cookie. It enables the user to accept ’s Cookies Policy and continue their session without having to reprocess consent within each new area of the website visited.
Investor Portal
Cookie name Description
ASP.NET_Sessionid This is a session cookie. The cookie stores your session ID to the Investor Portal.
InvestorPortal This is a session cookie. The cookie stores metadata for the portal. Metadata summarises basic information about data, which can make finding and working with particular instances of data easier.
Thirdfin.Tercero.InvestorPortal This is a persistent cookie. The cookie stores the selected grouping for the charts/tables in the Investor Portal.
_RequestVerificationToken_Lw_ This is a session cookie. The cookie protects against Cross Site Request forgery – a type of hack where the hacker exploits the trust of a website on the user. In other words, the site trusts the user (because they have authenticated themselves) and accepts data that turns out to be malicious.
javascriptTest This is a persistent cookie. The cookie is used to test the ability to set and retrieve cookies and use javascript.
Online and mobile banking
Cookie name Description
_ga This is a persistent cookie. The cookie is used to store client page accesses to Google Analytics, these cookies only track page access and NOT individual information keyed through at application process.
_gid This is a persistent cookie. The cookie is used to store client page accesses to Google Analytics, these cookies only track page access and NOT individual information keyed through at application process.
JSESSIONID This is a session cookie. The cookie is used by BankFast Apply (Applicant Onboarding System) and tracks the applicant’s progress through the application process. This JSESSIONID is tied to the applicant’s application, it ensures an applicant does not start multiple sessions in the same browser.
sst-cookie-banner-shown This is a persistent cookie. The cookie is used for styling elements of the banner during the applicant’s application.
sst-increase-font This is a persistent cookie. The cookie is used for styling elements of the font during the applicant’s application.
_bfNN8V This is a session cookie. The cookie is used by BankFast Online (Internet Banking System) and tracks the client’s progress through the application. Whenever a client accesses BankFast Online a new session is created.
Charter Advance
Cookie name Description
JSESSION JSESSIONID is a cookie in J2EE web application for HTTP protocol which is used in session tracking and management. Cookie is created by web containers when a session is created and sent along with response to the client The cookie expires when the session is closed.
LoadBalance This is a cookie dedicated to HPD internal LoadBalancer sessions to help keep session consistency and expires after 30 minutes.
Additional Information

From time to time, we may embed external content from third party websites within our website. We also partner with third parties who provide services for us which you can navigate to from our website. These third parties may use cookies. You can find out about their approach to cookies on their websites.

How to block or restrict cookies

You can block or restrict cookies set by any website – including Renaissance Bank websites – through the browser settings on each browser you use or on each device you use to access the Internet. The ‘help’ function in your browser should tell you how to do this.

Please be aware that some of our services might not function properly if your browser does not accept cookies. However, you can allow cookies from specific websites by making them “trusted websites” in your Internet browser.

For information on how to do this on a wider variety of browsers go to explains how you can delete and control the cookies that are stored on your computer.

We reserve the right to make changes to our Cookies Policy, and your continued use of our websites is taken as meaning that you agree to such changes.

Who are we?

When we refer to Renaissance Bank, we mean:

  • Renaissance Bank & Co., Limited (registered with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) as a data controller under registration number Z6024586); and
  • its business names, subsidiary companies, overseas branches, and its parent company. These include PLC, Charter Commercial Asset Based Lending Limited, Renaissance Asset Finance Limited, Gilliat Financial Solutions, and Tay Mortgages.

You can find out more information about us at